
  • 3 gameplay modes.
  • 9 locations.
Min System request
  • OS : 10.4, 10.5 (recommended)
  • CPU : 1.83GHz
  • Memory : 512

ゲームのレビューです。 美味しい地球

Chompすることができるのでお早めに。 制御帯クリーナーを食べ! 後の消費もこの星、においしいお菓子がたの間驚くことで生きています。 ま、宇宙の十分なのかもしれません満足です。 嬉しい食べてすぐに美味しい地球!

image donwload



ジャンル : アーケード & アクション



1542 点数

(景色: 102)

Tasty Planet Image Tasty Planet
5 外に 5 に基づく 65 ユーザーレーティング

必要 Windows/MacOS

USD 6.99 0 from 1 販売者 在庫あり。
年齢: 3 1歳以上


Chompすることができるのでお早めに。 から豊かな細菌の美味しい料の銀河間物質バイキングです。

AFERON - BigFishGames
Tasty Planet game play Tasty Planet ゲームプレイ (ゲーム プレ, ゲーмуぶれ)


Addictive fun, though kind of short

Light on challenge, but loads of fun! I wish the game would have gone on a bit longer, I played it through in a few hours. Replayability is so-so, half the fun is seeing what new things you get to eat. Try the demo, if you like it, you'll like the game.


Awesome game love the grafics and music. Would like to know where I could get a copy of the music? My Grandkids love the songs.

I Loved this Game!

PLAY THIS GAME!Is so good and fun.

Enjoyable addictive - mouse pointer wiggling game

Simple, cheesy, straightforward fun. You are a manufactured blob and eat "things" smaller than you in order to get bigger and mightier within a certain time limit. All to a background track of 70s elevator music or other cheesy tunes. The game feels like a phone or touch screen game. Where you move yourself ("the blob") around the screen to absorb various objects and not touch things that will hurt you - until you are big enough to eat them. Oh yes. Never have I cursed at dolphins so much, and then cackled with glee when I was big enough to eat them. Loads of fun! I played on the laptop and switched between touchpad and mouse button depending on how responsive and quick I needed the blob movements to be. Sometimes you need to be a little slower in order to attain your edible objective. The main driver to the game, is wondering what the next environment will be and what you will be eating. All leading towards a satisfying conclusion that fits the game perfectly. You can play the game straight, or play different modes e.g. endurance mode. Playing the demo will provide you with a good indication of whether or not you will like this game. Very simple, amusing, addictive, non complicated fun - all driven by the power of "Mouse wiggling"!
